Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Slmat poser 6 di bulan syawal

masih terasa kehangatan rayer di bulan syawal nih. skrang nih dah nak masuk 2 minggu kter raye tp ampir tetiap hari sy g open house umah geng2 officemates, umah sedara mare n umah kengkawan. sambutan raye taun nih still mengekalkan konsep ala kadar ader ke konsep canggini ;p raye pertama pas solat sunat aidilfitri, g kubur even a day b4 raye mmg dah g kubur tuk bersihkan rumput2 yg tumbuh meliar, tabur chipping batu yg kaler putih ala2 marmar tuh sket. pas g kubur mule la kami sekeluarga beraya di rumah atok sedara, umah sedara mare, umah jiran tetangga, pahtuh g umah mak sedara kat kuala terengganu, g umah anak2 yatim, umah mak mentue ;p pendek kater sepanjang hari dok umah org!

raye kedua plak wat open house. fesyen baru la thun nih => pakai suar jeans. menu itu hari, nasik pilos resipi kewajipan mama tetiap taun, nasik kunyit, mee kari, tapai, lemang, ketupat pulut, tupat nasik n kuah kacang, satay, dan kuih muih. masuk tghr ayah bilang muak la makan nasik canggini, nak makan nasik putih. maka masakla saya nasik putih, kuah singgang daging, belacan, kerabu mangga. adik n angah dah sebok2 bakar satay setat kol 8.30 pagi. ayah plak mengalahkan pak menteri, very super busy. tetamu last merangkap kawan ayah dtg kol 11.30 mlm. penat tuh, mmg penat. Tapi amat berbaloi ;p

raye ketiga, seisi jalan2 umah sedara mare, umah kengkawan setat balik. tahun nih mmg amat best la seisi g umah org, sbb leh makan diff kuih muih, diff makanan n leh jumpe sedara mara yg b4 tis xpernah kenal pon. tercapai gak hasrat ayah tuk jumpe ampir semua sedara mara. kla, abis citer rayer tahun 2007, moga tahun depan sambutan raye lagih best ;p oh ye..selamat menunaikan puasa sunat syawal...moga ibadat, amal kebaikan kiter dterima Allah s.w.t aminnnnn

Thursday, October 04, 2007

kije di bulan puase

sy rase bulan puasa ni banyak perkara perlu diberi perhatian. contohnye kerja yang tak pernah abis,bile bulan puasa makin bertambah. memula puasa je selalu balik awal kol 430ptg. skrang dah dekat waktu berbuka baru menapak balik umah. sy tgh busy wat preparation tuk setting to work,pre comm n commisioning. sy ingat Resident Engineer dr consultant boleh tlg sy, tp same je. sy jugak yg berhempas pulas sorang2 buat method statement, siapkan schedule n watsoever yg kene wat tuk preparation tuk commisioning escpecially. penat tuh, Allah je yg tau. bukan penat badan sbb tetiap hari kene jumpe client,local authorities,public ppl,tp penat minda. patutla ader staff yg mencadangkan sy tambah2kan mknn berupa sayur. sy mmg tak ske makan sayur dr kecik.payah jugak nak makan bile dah besar nih.

skrang sy meluangkan masa sikit tuk agihkan kad2 raye, beli adiah tuk angah sempene besday die smlm dan paling penting wat kek pas solat terawikh. mak2 sedara plus kazen2 dah start order kek. lagih penat wat kije sampingan nih. x sampai ati plak rasernye xnk buat. orang dah mintk tolong bak kate pepatah org berbudi, kita berbahasa eh yeke camnih..anyhow, semoga bulan puasa nih bertambah2lah pahala, amalan tuk kebaikan dan kebajikan yg saya lakukan.kepada encik acik yg bakal beraya di UK tahun nih, semoga sihak selalu. jgn nanges ye,sbb bile nanges mmg muke ko comot sgt2.semoga saya dan semua umat islam yg mengerjakan ibadah puasa di bulan yang mulia ni senantiasa sihat dan hepi2 sokmo =)

Sunday, September 16, 2007



Short terms goal

1) To obtain 10 tenders from government and private sector
2) To gain company profit more than expected
3) To have customer trust in our services
4) Give a better and faster service with delivery on 24 hours
5) Wish to get award as good entrepreneur in performing new company

Long terms goal

1) Open outlets all over Malaysia
2) To have more than 10 workers and can widen the scope of nature business
3) High technology service used as new machine in high technology
4) Plan to has own premise

~jemput2 la ye singgah ke kedai patik

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


looking towards my shoe, all memories remain…I bought my first nike sport shoe last 3's white plus red plus pinky stripes n 5 in size..kiddo?? seems like yesterday when puan wani and tuan judo helped me to buy a pair of nike shoe, i did not ask for white plus pinky plus red, it happened to be hohoho…now, it’s time to buy a new one…gud by my long fwen

Disposal date/time:10th September 2007 / 6.45pm
Disposal venue : front house

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I have been very tired for the whole yesterday nite and doing everything in my power not to get exhausted…shut down plant started at 9pm sept 09, end at 7.30am sept 10 as expected and I went back home at 9.00am…aiyokkk,my leg muscles become heavy and have burning stiffness as a result of standing plus walking for a very long time..ketuk-ketuk,picit and still picit again…mmg lenguh…still I can handle being so sick uhuk uhuk…

bekerja lah kito, se-ku-ek-nyo haha

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Water Treatment Plant Shut Down

We are going to carry out 3 main tasks for the live interconnections between Stage 1 & Stage 2A works during the 8 hours shut down of Hulu Terengganu Water Treatment Plant tonite. The plant was expected to be out of service until morning 5 am, while work took place to improve the plant's treatment processes and modify chemical handling capabilities. UGI ,CWM, SMHB, HMSB and SATU representatives will be in each site from 7.30pm to 7.30am for further action. nothing much to report today but really super busy wit papers, discussion, meeting, method statements, sakit prot, pressure, tension and lalalalala….let’s rock tonite!!!!

~Kene kije la smpai pagi esok uhuk uhuk uhuk

Thursday, September 06, 2007


dah almost a week kita sambut merdaka day…early morning 7.45am, tgh minum milo kosong…member2 staff dok borak…cik fareh,tau tak arininih ader perarakan depan opis kite?...yeke??lom pernah lagih tgk depan mater nih…mesti tak lepas peluang la..

50 years of independence… do people know what Merdeka is?..tepuk dada tanye was a sight to behold…visualize people from different races coming mutually on this meaningful makes all the contributions worthwhile…i'm very proud of Malaysia…this year we strike the big number 50…. i'm a Malaysian...proud to be one too...again, to all Malaysians….Happy Independence Day! not to scale la cik fareh